Green Hill Park Equestrian Center

Working Equestrian Obstacle Play Day

FREE to Green Hill Park Equestrian Members! $15 for non-member Please pick one helpful task. I will come early (10:00) and help set up obstacles. I will stay late (2:30pm) and help take down obstacles. Email Melissa at [email protected] if you plan on participating and your preference of choice helping with the clinic. Any cancellations […]

BREA/SWVADA Fall Horse Trial, CT and Dressage

Green Hill Park Equestrian Center

Download Prize List Here Divisions: Horse Trials, Combined Tests, Dressage HT Levels: Tadpole, Cross Rails, Green, Advanced Green, Beginner Novice, Novice CT Levels: Tadpole, Cross Rails, Green, Advanced Green, Beginner Novice, Novice, Novice Plus, Training Dressage Tests: Intro Test C, Beginner Novice Test A, Novice Test A, Training Test A, Modified Test A, Preliminary Test A, 2023 USDF Intro […]

GHPEC Halloween Fun Show (BRHF)

Green Hill Park Equestrian Center

Download Class List Here Download Registration Form Here Start time: 10:00 a.m.         Entry Fee: $10.00/class         Judge: Nancy Troutman Gate open at 8:00 a.m.                Show Managers:  GHPEC Advisory Committee BRHF Model Horse/Pony BRHF Coached Showmanship BRHF Showmanship BRHF Costume (Leadline) BRHF Costume (Youth)  Trophy & $25.00 prize money BRHF Costume (Adult)  Trophy & $25.00 prize money […]


Obstacle Play Day

Green Hill Park Equestrian Center

Download Flyer Here GHPEC members free admittance Non-members $15.00 All proceeds go to the horse park Current coggins required Taking down obstacles at the end of the day is greatly appreciated. f you have a favorite obstacle you would like to share, please bring it.

Obstacle Play Day

Green Hill Park Equestrian Center

Obstacle Play Day Green Hill Park Equestrian Center Saturday, March 29, 2025, 10:00am to 1:00pm GHPEC members free admittance Non-members $15.00   a copy of your coggins if you plan on participating and if you can help take obstacles down at 1:00. If you have a favorite obstacle you would like to share, please bring […]

Equine Trail Sport

Green Hill Park Equestrian Center

Obstacle Trail (OT) – a relaxing short trail ride with judged obstacles along the trail and possibly in camp. All riding disciplines are welcome.

BREA/SWVADA Dressage, Combined Test, and Horse Trials

Green Hill Park Equestrian Center

BREA_SWVADA Prizelist May 2025 Divisions: Horse Trials, Combined Tests, Dressage HT Levels: Tadpole, Cross Rails, Green, Advanced Green, Beginner Novice, Novice CT Levels: Tadpole, Cross Rails, Green, Advanced Green, Beginner Novice, Novice, Novice Plus, Training Dressage Tests: Intro Test C, Beginner Novice Test A, Novice Test A, Training Test A, Modified Test A, Preliminary Test A, 2023 USDF Intro […]